The $438 million Jennie Sealy Replacement Hospital, located in Galveston, Texas, is a full service 12-story hospital facility with 310 new patient rooms, 60 new ICU beds, a new 28 bed day surgery area, and 20 new state-of-the art operating rooms.
EAB was initially engaged in 2011 during the design phase of the project to provide design review for balance-ability on the HVAC Systems. As a result of our contributions to the design phase of the project, the Testing and Balancing and HVAC Commissioning scope was awarded to EAB in 2012.
TAB Project Details
The Testing and Balancing scope initially included review of the construction documents and submittal for balance-ability, construction observations, terminal unit lab and site testing, and witnessing AHU pressure testing. Then, our team performed testing and balancing on all HVAC and domestic hot water systems. This included operating rooms, critical rooms and building pressurization verification. Finally, our team performed all local BAS point verification and control sequence verification in preparation for functional testing by our commissioning team.
Of the 20 new operating rooms, one was specifically designed to treat burn patients. These rooms have unique temperature and humidity requirements due to a burn patient’s inability to modulate their own temperature. This operating room can be heated to more than 100 degrees without warming the remained of the unit with specialized equipment. An advanced unitary control system was also used to maintain the proper pressure to ensure infection control in the operating and isolation rooms. Due to the advanced nature of this equipment, sophisticated testing took place to validate the room pressure sustainability and compliance.

“Our dedication to quality and teamwork allowed us to complete the testing and balancing of the Jennie Sealy Hospital on time even under aggressive scheduling constraints. When I mention teamwork, I am not only talking about the EAB employees, but also our partners on site. The general contractor, Hensel Phelps, trusted EAB to make autonomous decisions which allowed us to successfully finish. We are proud to have played an integral role in the completion of the Jennie Sealy Hospital.”
Neil Redford, TBE Project Manager